Saturday, September 14, 2024

Pool Electrical Done

   The end of the week saw the completion of the electrical work for the pool.  The gas is still awaiting to be inspected by the city for proper installation and inspections are only on Tuesday and Thursday, so that will happen next Tuesday.  Plaster is slated for that same Tuesday with water in on Wednesday so we'll be swimming by the middle of next week, if we don't mind swimming in super cold water.

   Here's the completed panel.  The wires on the ground are just cutoffs that I later cleaned up, but the rest of the installation is pretty clean.  There's enough space lower on the pylon for a landscape lighting control box that I'll probably install myself.  The little box on the right side is a power transformer.  There are two items dangling from the bottom of the box.  The small white one is a temperature sensor, probably for the air temperature.  The other is some kind of controller box that I'll need to do some research to identify.  The pits at the base still need to be filled in, but I think that will be done after inspection.
   Here's the pool side power outlet.  It doesn't sit too far off the ground, which will probably be brought up a few inches with mulch anyways.  We haven't officially figured out what the edge of this bed will look like, but we have an idea.  The box will be sitting in the bed, which some low plantings around it.  If we do eventually end up getting a pool cleaning robot, this is where it will be plugged in to recharge.  The box is secured with a galvanized pipe on the back, but I'll have to plug up the pipe hole so we don't get wasps making nests in there.
   Here's the conduit that was passed through the wall, demarcated by the painted rebar.  It was used for the bonding wire to hook up to and pass down to the panel.  I might be able to run some landscape lighting down through it before it gets covered so I can have a clean run up into the bed from the electrical pylon.
   Here's what the back of the pylon looks like.  The conduit contains all the pool lighting and runs up to the junction box at the top, where the power from the transformer is provided.  It's all low voltage LED lighting, but three of the lights take 12W and the bubbler takes 24W so the transformer has to provide at least 60W of power for the lighting.
   Here's what the electrical runs look like to the pump and chlorinator.  All the runs are screwed into the pad to keep them clean.  You can see bare grounding wire on both devices, but there's also another temperature sensor going to the pipe between the pump and filter.  Very clean installation.

   Here's the little water temperature sensor between the pump and filter.  It looks the same as the one dangling in the air.  There's a little probe that sticks down into the pipe and an o-ring to keep it all sealed.  The pipe clamp is the only thing keeping the senor strapped down and keeping water in the pipe.  This sensor is used in conjunction with the heater to keep the water at what ever temperature we set it to.

   The only device what wasn't connected was the valve actuator for the bubbler.  I confirmed with Eli that he will connect this, but I'm not sure why the electrician didn't do it.  Maybe it has something to do with configuring if we want the valve slightly opened when the actuator is in the off position or something. 

   This is what the inside of the box looks like.  I have yet to be aquainted with the all the functionalities of the top two devices, but the bottom section is clearly breakers for the various devices.  Right now only the pool side plug is on, and I'm not sure what "Screen" is.  The top left device is the AquaLink is the main controller for the pump, heater, valve actuator, and lights.  The device on the left is the chlorinator controller.  It looks like the chlorinator has sensors for salinity and can control how much chlorine is produced.  It also has a display for sensor life so this will be the thing I monitor closely, in conjunction with water test kits, to maintain good water quality.
   That's it for this week.  Things are almost done!  We'll get a couple of quiet days on the weekend and Monday then work will start up again on Tuesday for the final push. 

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